Use National Nutrition Month as reason to make food your medicine


Hey, did you know that March is National Nutrition Month?  What a great excuse to amp up your healthy food choices … as if we need an excuse!

You’ve heard the saying that “food is medicine”?  TRUTH!  Let’s get our eyes off “diets” and focus on nutrition instead.  Instead of scurrying to find a food “plan”, how about spend the rest of the month simply being conscious of the types of food you’re choosing.

Change out processed foods for real, whole food.  That one thing alone will improve your physical health!  If you can afford organic, do so, but it’s even more important that you’re choosing food in its natural state.  Fruits, vegetables, grass-fed beef, and wild-caught salmon.  You get the idea.  Ditch the protein bars, crackers, cereal, canned items, etc.  With two weeks remaining in March, just go for it and see how you feel!

